At Aldebaran Sistemas we continue to evolve. As a result of our desire to improve in all aspects, this year we have set ourselves a new challenge: developing, implementing and certifying an environmental management system based on the ISO 14001 Standard.

But what does it mean to comply with the ISO 14001 Standard?

This Environmental Management Systems (EMS) standard allows companies to demonstrate that they are responsible and committed to protecting the environment.

The ISO 14001 Standard helps to identify and manage environmental risks that may occur internally in the company while it carries out its activity. The method used is based on plan, do, check and act (PDCA). This is, first of all, integrating environmental management into the business strategy and introducing indicators that allow measuring the effectiveness of the system and the environmental behavior of the company. After implementing the measures, they will have to be verified to see if they are really being met and, finally, act to improve the management of the identified risks.

Our new challenge:
Develop, implement and certify an environmental management system based on the ISO 14001 Standard.
And what benefits does it have?

There are several benefits for the company:

  • Environmental commitment. The company demonstrates its commitment to sustainable management.
  • Improved business performance. The possibility of environmental risks is reduced, as well as a substantial optimization of resource management.
  • Improvement of business reputation. Demonstrating that the company is truly concerned about regulatory compliance gives rise to a competitive advantage over the competition.

Thus, in addition to protecting the environment, this standard allows companies to reinforce their commercial image as a sustainable and environmentally friendly company, generating great trust in both customers and suppliers and in society in general.

Taking care of the environment, being sustainable and improving the management of environmental aspects is something that motivates us at Aldebaran Sistemas to try to improve day by day.

This challenge will be the confirmation of what we already do: at Aldebarán Sistemas we are aware of environmental management. Therefore, the certification of a Management System will be proof that the environment matters to us, we take care of it and we will continue to do so.

Aldebarán Sistemas: so you want it, so we do it.
“You can’t spend a single day on Earth without making an impact on the world. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make”
-Dame Jane Morris Goodall, primatologist and anthropologist.
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