ALDEBARÁN’s Management Policy focuses on the objective of achieving and maintaining a high level of satisfaction for its Clients, by complying and improving, when possible, their requirements, specifications and expectations; as well as by complying with the requirements specified in the UNE-EN-ISO 9001 Standard, when it is a contractual requirement.
Likewise, the Management of ALDEBARÁN SISTEMAS S.L. declares its commitment to the Prevention of Serious Accidents and Occupational Risks, and expresses its firm decision to add the prevention of this type of accident to its activities, with the commitment to provide the necessary and adequate resources to the Management System.
To this end, the ALDEBARÁN Management acquires the commitment to:
- Comply with the requirements of the Clients and continually improve the effectiveness of the Management System.
- Comply with the Legal and Regulatory Requirements applicable to the ALDEBARÁN Activity.
- Integrate the Management of the Prevention of Serious Accidents and Occupational Risks in all the activities of the industrial establishment and in all its hierarchical levels.
Identify, evaluate and manage the risks of potential Serious Accidents and Occupational Risks derived from our activity, both in current facilities and in the modifications introduced by changes in facilities or processes. - Information, Training and Participation of all staff are key elements to achieve our goals. Education and Training are a fundamental pillar for product quality and the safe handling of facilities and the establishment of adequate security conditions to carry out any task.
- Establish prevention measures according to the following priorities: 1) Avoid risks; 2º) Identify, analyze and combat the risks that cannot be avoided at their source; 3rd) Adopt measures that put protection against the highest risk Accidents ahead.
- Establish protection measures to control or limit the consequences in the event of an Accident.
- Prepare, implement and maintain the Self-Protection Plan (PAU), which analyzes potential emergency situations and considers the necessary measures and resources in the prevention and fight against emergencies, first aid, evacuation and confinement. All this, with the aim of guaranteeing the protection of people, property and the environment in the event of an Incident or Serious Accident.
- Monitor that the provisions described in this Management Manual are fully respected.
- Ensure the periodic evaluation of the Management system.
- Periodically review the Management System.
- Establish and review Objectives for the continuous improvement of processes, products, safety and Accident prevention in ALDEBARÁN, in order to increase the satisfaction of its Clients and the safety of its facilities.
- Seek continuous improvement, making available the necessary means to preserve the environment, the safety of personnel, the public and the goods that are responsible.
- Communicate this policy to the Organization.
- Review this Policy annually, in order to verify its continued adequacy.
- Ensure the provision of the necessary resources for the fulfillment of everything previously established.
For all these reasons, this Document, as well as all those that make up the ALDEBARÁN Management System, declare themselves to be of public use and knowledge for all the personnel of this Company, who must know them and keep discretion regarding their contents.
The Management.