Aldebarán Sistemas, in constant search for process improvement that results in the optimization of customer service, is developing a series of digital applications to improve the management of the traceability of its products.

Our traceability management system allows us to track the origin and route of each product, from the receipt of raw materials to the delivery of the products to each customer, something essential to guarantee quality, safety, compliance with regulations and, therefore, the satisfaction of our customers.

Dr Pum logo

Traceability is essential to ensure quality, safety, regulatory compliance and customer satisfaction.

Through the development and implementation of computer applications, we will ease the management of traceability in an automated manner, having at all times an exact and real-time view of the situation of each product, whether it is in the state of reception, warehouse, production or dispatch; even in the delivery process to our customers.

The basis of these applications is the issuance of QR codes that already accompany each product unit and that will automatically be updated in our databases depending on the process they go through.

QR code in one of our boxes

Thus, different applications are being developed that will allow us to control the entire process:

  • Purchasing-Material Reception Application: total control from the selection of the supplier to the receipt of the raw material.
  • Analysis-Laboratory Application: this application aims to assign and control the analyzes carried out on each raw material, batch management, warehouse management, etc.
  • Production Application: allows to select, generate and control the materials used in each production; On the other hand, all the necessary components are automatically generated: identification labels, containers, etc. Likewise, the movement, location and transformation of products is controlled in real time.
  • Application for Orders/Departure Notes: once the customer’s order has been generated in the ERP, the application will automatically generate all the necessary documentation for that shipment uniquely to each customer. Likewise, while the order is physically prepared, it is possible to control and store the data of the materials sent to each customer.

For each unit of each product we will be able to know in real time what raw materials were used in its production, what analysis was carried out, what process the material has been subjected to, components used and when and to whom it has been sent.

Aldebarán Sistemas: so you want it, so we do it.

“Good customer service costs less than bad customer service.”
-Sally Gronow-
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